Professional,  Purpose

The 5 P’s of Success

Over the years I have seen many different iterations of “Five P’s.” The Five P’s of Marketing, the Five P’s of Success, the Five P’s of Strategy; each with countless variations. What I have found to have the most profound impact in my life are the following Five P’s of Success – Poise, Passion, Purpose, Presence, and Persistence.

Poise: a dignified, self-confident manner or bearing; composure; self-possession

In life and business there will be countless uncomfortable, scary, and even frustrating circumstances. Maintain an unshakable core is key to success. If every challenge is enough shake your psyche you will not accomplish much. On the other hand, maintaining a strong composure is a trait all leaders must have as other will look towards their guidance in times of woe.

Passion: any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling

With whatever we choose to pursue in life, it must be something we are passionate about. Passion is the driving force that will push our accomplishments to the next level. When whatever it is we are working on is something we truly enjoy and believe it, getting out of bed every morning is easy. However, with no passion, all the money in the world will not make waking up worth it.

Purpose: the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.

The partner to passion is purpose. Where passion is about doing what you love. Purpose is about doing what you love for more than just yourself. Life is far more fulfilling when it it is being used to help others instead of just yourself!

Presence: the state or fact of being present, as with others or in a place

Perhaps one of the most difficult things for us to do is maintain presence. If we are constantly thinking about the past or the future, we will not be able to connect with the people right in front of us in the here and now. Connecting with others is essential for maintaining that sense of purpose.

Persistence: firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Where poise is about maintaining composure during the initial shock of challenge, persistence is about pushing through those difficult situations, no matter how long it takes. Heat, pressure, and time create two things. Dust or Diamonds.

John Cuneo joined Cisco Systems through the highly competitive Global CSAP program. He is a masters candidate at the Georgia Institute of Technology specializing in Machine Learning and occasional guest lecturer at the University of Miami Business School. He loves nothing more than lazy Sundays spent on a walk in the woods, whipping something up in the kitchen, catching up on anime, and playing some Super Smash Bros.