Welcome to CuneoCode!

Getting started in your early career professional life can be a real challenge. I have created CuneoCode to share all the best early career advice, lessons, and skills I have learned from reading countless books and picking the brains of mentors from all walks of life.

CuneoCode is broken down into a few key categories:

  1. Professional: This category focuses on various topics in the realm of developing a successful and fulfilling career.
  2. Interview Series: The Interview Series category contains write-ups of the best nuggets of wisdom I have received from mentors, professors, and distinguished speakers.
  3. Technology: In this category I will be sharing useful information, interesting articles I find, and explanations of technology concepts.
  4. Contact and Social: Reach out, my inbox is an open door! If you have any questions, want some advice, or need a resume critique; feel free to send a message my way.

It is my goal for anyone visiting to leave here with at least one thing learned. One bit of knowledge that can make your life better and career more successful. Who will benefit most? I believe young soon-to-be professionals will benefit the most from this website. If you are someone who is already well into your career and would like to share some of your lessons, please reach out and let me know!

UM Innovators for the Americas 2017

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